Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday evening, veggin out at the Comfort inn

We stopped in Sydney Ne. I'm tire. We drove 550 miles today. Another 9 hours to go, I think.

Itll be good to get home. I'm anxious to get back to my husband and to my sewing. I don't think I've gone a week without sewing anything since the end of January after I finished up one wedding. I didn't sew for about a month, then I started sewing for my nieces' wedding......then blessing outfits and now another wedding.... got to get busy and get it done so I can start on my plans...but I mentioned that already today...sorry to repeat myself :(

There is a tornado watch here. I haven't been in a tornado watch in years. Thankfully. I am more afraid of earthquakes than tornados since I grew up in and around them, but not why am I living on a fault? Excitement i guess? crazy me.

Well, I"m off to to get up early and head out. Goodnight.

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